Optimize mobile order collection and speeds up sales processes

Sales Management

Sales Management is the Risorsa module dedicated to the digitization of sales processes, the mobile automation of field activities and the management of pricing policies for each distribution channel.

The application supports the management of all operational activities of the Customer visit and orders collection, allowing the setting of each type of sales condition, the effective monitoring of mobile activities and the management of authorization flows connected to the pricing policies for each commercial channel.

The entire collection of the order, from headquarters and on the move, updates on the progress of the management of returns and payments is supported by specific functions of the system, in integration with the Company tools.

The Mobile APP guarantees the mobile operations of agents and sales reps, taking advantage of the data and multimedia supports available and the online/offline functions of the tool. Each phase of the activity, from prospecting to planning, preparing and carrying out the visit can be managed on a tablet.

Research confirms this

Distinguishing features

Order picking on the move

Order picking on the move

Management of multi-channel sales conditions and approval workflows

Management of multi-channel sales conditions and approval workflows

Planning and preparation of visits

Planning and preparation of visits

Prospecting </br></br></br>


Solution benefits

Single working tool

Single working tool for planning the agenda, preparing visits and carrying out field activities.

Activity monitoring and centralized management of the authorization requests.

Data reliability

Availability to the Sales Force of reliable and updated data and information at the time of synchronization.

Timeliness in the exchange of communications in the field without dispersion of messages.

Effective sales

Speed of order taking and immediate transmission in online mode to the Headquarters.

Multimedia supports for attractive presentation of products and canvass, multimedia catalogue.

Velocità di presa ordine e trasmissione immediata in modalità online alla Sede. Supporti multimediali per la presentazione accattivante di prodotti e canvass, catalogo multimediale.

Discover how Risorsa can support you in the process

Application features

Smart sales

Smart sales

Guided and facilitated order taking, with shortcuts to increase efficiency, planslip setting and commission copy. Management of return conditions, conditions of sale and gifts.

Customer profile

Customer profile

Visualization of personal and descriptive information of Customers and Prospects. Selection and customization of indicators for the classification and visualization of the Customers base. Advanced algorithms that can be configured to suggest priority visits to the sales force.

History and tracking

History and tracking

Order history display and order tracking: order status tracking, shipment verification, cancellations and replacements.



Internal management of the expansion of the distribution through the creation or assignment of potential Customers and management of the activation flow.

Sales condition

Sales condition

Pricing dashboard: tool for autonomous management of any type of sales condition, channel discount or canvass. Multilevel discount management based on Pricing Procedure. Integrated document management tool for the creation and cataloging of Promotional Canvass.

Authorization flows

Authorization flows

Possibility to set scopes of discretion and applicability to Default Terms. Setting of control blocks and management of the authorization flow of extra-promotional conditions, even in a mobile environment.

Risorsa srl
Via Po, 48
Tel +39 011 835853


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