Govern product and category strategy and lead to the Perfect Store

Brand Portofolio Management

The Brand Portfolio Management module is the application that brings together all the functions to support the management, planning and analysis of the Product Strategy along the entire product life cycle.


The tool allows you to define clusters and assortments, to determine the KPIs to be detected in the execution phase and to carry out Perfect Store analyses.

The module supports time-to-market tracking of new products and Listing Evaluation.

The assortment strategy is 360° integrated with the other modules of the suite, allowing constant alignment of data and a global vision of product strategies.

Distinguishing features

Centralized management of clusters and assortments

Centralized management of clusters and assortments

Tracking of the process of entering new producrs and listing evaluation

Tracking of the process of entering new producrs and listing evaluation

Definition of measures and Product Strategy KPIs

Definition of measures and Product Strategy KPIs

Projects management of Perfect Store

Projects management of Perfect Store

Benefici della soluzione


The Brand Portfolio Management module allows, through a single integrated and integrable tool the 360° management of the product strategy throughout the product life cycle: from launch, to performance verification, up to comparison with strategic objectives and Perfect Store.
Each measure or KPI or objective can be configured independently in relation to business needs.

Performance monitoring

The system allows measurement on different dimensional axes: from the temporal tracking of the time-to-market in the process of presenting new products, to the control of spending for listings and distribution expansions, up to the measurement of shelf performance.
The Listing Evaluation tool allows for the assessment of the economic sustainability of investments in relation to company guidelines.


Possibility of integration with ERP, BI and Risorsa Modules: Retail Execution (verification of execution at the point of sale), Trade Promotion Management (promotional planning), Contract Management (management of off-invoice).

Discover how Risorsa can support you in the process

Application features

Assortments and clusters

Assortments and clusters

Single container for the creation and management of product assortments, with the possibility of detailing the mandatory nature of the references, and declination by cluster, which can be integrated with external weight data of the store formats.



Maximum flexibility in autonomous configuration of the measures to be tracked at Product or Segment / Category level (e.g. space quota -segment/category-, must have, distribution, turnover per weighted point. etc.)

Listing tracking

Listing tracking

Sistema pensato per permettere la misurazione del time-to-market e di seguire il processo di lancio dei nuovi prodotti: dalla presentazione per insegna, alla negoziazione del listing, fino all’effettivo inserimento in assortimento.

Product strategy

Product strategy

Possibilità di inserimento di valori obiettivo per le misure impostate e integrazione con ERP e/o sistemi di rilevazione per la tracciature degli andamenti.

Perfect store

Perfect store

Strumento per la creazione di un percorso strutturato verso il raggiungimento della eccellenza della esecuzione. Pianificazione strategica di un set di KPI, relativi valori obiettivo e algoritmi di calcolo per la misurazione sistematica delle performance in ottica Perfect Store.

Listing Evaluation

Listing Evaluation

Tool che consente la valutazione della redditività della spesa e la sostenibilità del costo in relazione alle linee guida aziendali per l’inserimento di nuovi prodotti o l’ampliamento distributivo.

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